


リスクのクスリ記事一覧 ▶︎

LIB(リチウムイオンバッテリー)とは? その3
LIBのリサイクルに関する制度状況 〜EUのリサイクルの動向〜


5. EUのリサイクルの動向


Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning batteries and waste batteries, repealing Directive 2006/66/EC and amending Regulation (EU) No 2019/1020

(出典)EUR-Lex - 52020PC0798 - EN - EUR-Lex




  • 産業用電池、電気自動車用電池、自動車用電池に下記割合でリサイクル原材料を含む必要がある(第8条)
    コバルト リチウム ニッケル
    2030年 12% 85% 4% 4%
    2035年 20% 85% 10% 12%


  • 生産者は可搬型(小型)電池について、定められた回収目標を達成する必要がある(第48条)
  • 収集した廃棄電池は埋立も焼却もしてはならず、適切な処理を実施すること(第56条)
  • 収集した廃棄電池はすべてリサイクル工程へ投入し、定められたリサイクル達成率を満たすこと(第57条)
  • リサイクル業者は各リサイクル工程で2025年までにLIBの平均重量の65%を、2030年までに70%をリサイクルする必要がある。また、下記の通りの回収率を達成する必要がある(第57条、付属書ⅫパートB、C)
    コバルト リチウム ニッケル
    2026年 90% 90% 90% 35% 90%
    2030年 95% 95% 95% 70% 95%


Article 8 Recycled content in industrial batteries, electric vehicle batteries and automotive batteries
2. From 1 January 2030, industrial batteries, electric vehicle batteries and automotive batteries with internal storage and a capacity above 2 kWh that contain cobalt, lead, lithium or nickel in active materials shall be accompanied by technical documentation demonstrating that those batteries contain the following minimum share of cobalt, lead, lithium or nickel recovered from waste present in active materials in each battery model and batch per manufacturing plant:
(a) 12% cobalt;
(b) 85% lead;
(c) 4% lithium;
(d) 4% nickel.
3. From 1 January 2035, industrial batteries, electric vehicle batteries and automotive batteries with internal storage and a capacity above 2 kWh that contain cobalt, lead, lithium or nickel in active materials shall be accompanied by a technical documentation demonstrating that those batteries contain the following minimum share of cobalt, lead, lithium or nickel recovered from waste present in active materials in each battery model and batch per manufacturing plant:
(a) 20% cobalt;
(b) 85% lead;
(c) 10% lithium;
(d) 12% nickel.

Article 48 Collection of waste portable batteries
Producers or, where appointed in accordance with Article 47(2), producer responsibility organisations acting on their behalf, shall ensure the collection of all waste portable batteries, regardless of their nature, brand or origin in the territory of a Member State where they make batteries available on the market for the first time. For that purpose they shall:

Article 56 Treatment and recycling 1. Collected waste batteries shall not be landfilled or incinerated.
2. Without prejudice to Directive 2010/75/EU, permitted facilities shall ensure that all treatment and recycling processes for waste batteries comply, as a minimum, with Part A of Annex XII and with best available techniques as defined in Article 3(10) of Directive 2010/75/EU.

Article 57 Recycling efficiencies and material recovery targets
1. All waste batteries collected shall enter a recycling process.
2. Recyclers shall ensure that each recycling process shall achieve the minimum recycling efficiencies and the levels of recovered materials laid down, respectively, in Parts B and C of Annex XII.

Part B  Recycling efficiencies
1. No later than 1 January 2025, recycling processes shall achieve the following minimum recycling efficiencies:
(a) recycling of 75% by average weight of lead-acid batteries;
(b) recycling of 65% by average weight of lithium-based batteries;
(c) recycling of 50% by average weight of other waste batteries.
2. No later than 1 January 2030, recycling processes shall achieve the following minimum recycling efficiencies:
(a) recycling of 80% by average weight of lead-acid batteries;
(b) recycling of 70% by average weight of lithium-based batteries.

Part C  Levels of recovered materials
1. No later than 1 January 2026, all recycling processes shall achieve the following levels of materials recovery:
(a) 90% for cobalt;
(b) 90% for copper;
(c) 90% for lead;
(d) 35% for lithium;
(e) 90% for nickel.
2. No later than 1 January 2030, all recycling processes shall achieve the following levels of materials recovery:
(a) 95% for cobalt;
(b) 95% for copper;
(c) 95% for lead;
(d) 70% for lithium;
(e) 95% for nickel.

出典:Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning batteries and waste batteries, repealing Directive 2006/66/EC and amending Regulation (EU) No 2019/1020








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